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14.4 Filesystem parameters generator

Every filesystem has to export its parameters in a format suitable to user interfaces -- describe name, type, default value, discrete values, attributes,... of every parameter. This format is not good for internal usage. Programmer usually wants to access well named attributes of structure, eg. struct ext2_parameters->block_size and not to worry about the ranges,...

To make coding fs-parameters easier, M4 macros gener_params.m4 is used. Programmer describes fs-parameters in params.m4 file and the macroprocessor generates params.h file (with C-structure declaration, declaration of conversion functions and #defines of parameter numbers) and params.c file (with array of parameter descriptions and conversion function definitions). After this is done, you can easily use the structure for your own and call conversion function if you want to communicate with user interface.

The params.m4 file looks like:

add_attribute(header,Header version,int #,import()export()detect()
add_attribute(endian,Machine CPU endianity,int #,import()export()detect()
add_attribute(pagesize,Machine CPU page size,int #,import()export()detect()

You can ignore the 1st line beginning with dnl, it's just a comment. The 2nd line includes macro file. The 3rd line is very important, it defines prefix used for parameter names -- parameter header will be accessed as SWAP_PAR_HEADER in this example (suffix is the uppercased parameter name). Every other line contains declaration of one parameter. Macro add_attribute gets these parameters:

There are these possible parameter types:

There are also some flags which can modify the generated code. You will not need them in normal case as they are useful for parsing and assembling of parameter arrays from several defined tables. They can be used as in the following example:

dnl All disk parameters are shared => ignore unknown ones
dnl We need all "struct disk_info" parameter to not to clash each other:


In default case the generated code will always generate error message (to given ERR_PASS) when it will find any parameter in the given array which it doesn't understand. You don't want this default behaviour (and so you want to enable this flag) if the same array will be parsed by several different parsers (struct_array functions).


In default case all generated parameter IDs start from number 1. If several tables for the same parameter array are defined, you need to ensure that they are all using different ID numbers. This flag will do it for you.

The last thing you have to do is write params.c.m4 and params.h.m4 sources. Look at some existing filesystem for details, you must writes some things that are not directly connected to fs-parameters there (#includes, definition of discrete value arrays,...). Than write `include(params.m4)' and make the macros print generated code by calling `FS_declare_all(`swap')' in params.h.m4 or `FS_define_all(`swap',`SFSW',`Linux swap')' in params.c.m4. The first parameter `swap' is prefix used for generated conversion functions, `SFSW' is prefix for error messages and `Linux swap' is a name of the filesystem.

In addition to the previously noted functions FS_declare_all() and FS_define_all() you can also use their FS_declare_read_only() and FS_define_read_only() variants, respectively. By using this read_only variant you'll create only struct_array_#_pars and struct_array_#_pars_keep function, otherwise even array_struct_#_pars and #_getparlist would be created:

int struct_array_#_pars(struct #_parameters *s,struct user_parameter *a,int count,ERR_PARAM)

(present in both the "all" and "read_only" variants) This function will read the parameters given in struct user_parameter array (of size count), you'll use this function in any C code dealing with user parameters. Any parameters which are missing in input a array are automatically reset to its default value as declared in your params.m4 file. This function will always rewrite all the fields of input-only structure s parameter.

int struct_array_#_pars_keep(struct #_parameters *s,struct user_parameter *a,int count,ERR_PARAM)

(present in both the "all" and "read_only" variants) This function has identical functionality as struct_array_#_pars_init function described above with one exception: Any parameters missing in input a array are left their original value (as passed in input/output s parameter). Use this function if you want to subsequently read several input user_parameter arrays (passed each separately during the calls in a parameter). This function is rarely used.

int array_struct_#_pars(struct user_parameter *a,struct #_parameters *s,int count,ERR_PARAM)

(present only in "all" variant) This function will write the parameters to the given struct user_parameter array (of size count). Function is probably needed only by filesystem implementations.

int #_getparlist(struct fs_pars *p,ERR_PARAM)

(present only in "all" variant) This function will fill in the given struct fs_pars by copying the static definition of default values. Additionally fp_type, fp_name and fp_count fields are also initialized. Function is needed only by filesystem implementations.

Functions array_struct/struct_array will produce debug output with VERBOSE level for each parameter copied. If you are aware during their use that you are using due to some reason these functions multiple times and such output would be disturbing log files, you can pass the count parameter as negative (-count value instead). Negative value will have the function effect as ABS(count) but no debugging output will be generated. Such debugging output (and this feature at all) has no effect on final Surprise package releases for users, of course.

That's almost all. Add

include $(top_srcdir)/src/Makefile.params

line into your and add params.c into the SOURCES list. Please not that files params.m4 with params.[ch].m4 don't need to be specified in EXTRA_DIST by you, it is done automatically by included Makefile.params. make will automatically generate params.[ch] from params.[ch].m4, all usuall functions will be declared and defined -- look at some existing filesystem for details.

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